Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Year That Was... (looking back)

2011 has been special. It taught me varied lessons which I had never given a thought about. It brought about changes on my thought process, the attitude towards different things I encountered. I always had fixed attitudes, strong notions and beliefs systems that had two contrast gate ways (good and the bad) I categorized people, scanned them, and judged them, and put them through an analysis test and branded them at the end. My moods usually take over the ‘show’. I succumb to different shades of mood swings that come on my way. ‘People make me sad, make me get upset’ most of the times. I realize there is no reason as such why I am sad, or like when I ‘am not myself’. Now I feel it’s a luxury to pay heed to these kinds of emotions.

I find a hundred and one physical differences between individuals. So should there be infinite mental differences too!! Despite these differences we still have friends and well wishers who help us sail through the entire show! It’s quoted that friends are someone whom you can relate with and share common things. But in my opinion, I find few similarities amongst the so called friends. Different people, different background, different thought process yet staying together as friends!! That’s beautiful and that’s life! It’s really hard to arrive at a consensus... The beautiful chord that connects us is the element of silence. It’s the only domain we acknowledge, agree and accept. For none can lie to one’s own self. The freedom of   being just ‘you’ and not evaluating others gives some sort of bliss. There is too much of a chaos and misunderstanding when we interact too much.  The only universal language that we can all relate to is silence. And it is a blessing to remain silent at times. Lessons I learnt this passing year seems invaluable to me. Oh silence you are so potent your stillness does the speaking   and it means everything!)

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